Energy UK, in collaboration with LCP Delta, delivers this training course that focuses on financing power stations, generating electricity and trading across markets. This training will provide attendees with a detailed understanding of the main power markets (Wholesale Market, Balancing Mechanism, Ancillary Services, Capacity Market and Contracts for Difference), a breakdown of power asset costs and revenue (Capex, Opex and O&M), network charging, and building the business case for a new asset.
This training course is aimed at:
- Those joining the energy industry as an experienced hire
- Those with a good working knowledge in the energy industry who want further their knowledge of electricity markets
- People who have already attended Energy UK’s ‘Introduction to GB Energy Markets’ training course
The objectives are for attendees to:
- Understand how power is generated and traded. Both areas have seen – and continue to see – significant changes as the GB electricity supply decarbonises, and key trends are explored throughout the course. This covers all key electricity markets:
- Wholesale Market
- Balancing Mechanism
- Ancillary Services
- Another focus is on recent policy interventions to encourage investment decisions which achieve decarbonisation targets, including:
- Contracts for Differences (CfDs)
- Capacity Market (CM) to maintain security of electricity supply
- Gain knowledge of UK generation portfolio and how decarbonisation changes the markets
- Exploring future developments in the market, such as Dispatchable Power Agreements (DPAs)
- Understand the challenges facing transmission and distribution networks and how network charges are applied to power assets
- How forecasts are used to build the business case for different types of generation asset
This course is online. You will receive details about how to attend via email.
- £345 +VAT EUK member
- £495 +VAT Non-member
- £145 +VAT Student
This training course is CPD certified.

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