Responding to the Chancellor’s announcement of an enhanced customer support package, Energy UK’s Director of Advocacy, Dhara Vyas, said:
“We’re very pleased that the Government has responded to calls from our sector, and consumer groups, by announcing significant extra support to help energy customers, especially those in the most vulnerable situations.
“The Chancellor deserves credit for listening and putting in place increased support for households. It won’t be easy for customers who will still be facing high energy bills, but this should help ease the difficulties for millions of households.
“It’s important that the Government also considers the energy costs facing businesses, who are also struggling with rising prices. It was also a missed opportunity to improve household energy efficiency as the best way to reduce bills permanently for customers.
“As The Chancellor mentioned in his speech, the Government’s Energy Security Strategy has made it clear that the current crisis underlines the need to reduce our dependency on expensive fossil fuels and expand our domestic sources of clean, cheap power. We would caution against any action, such as a windfall tax on generators, that could jeopardise these aims and the investment required. These companies have led the way in creating a cleaner power system, investing billions of pounds in the UK and creating jobs and economic benefits across the country.”