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Energy UK Explains: Great British Insulation Scheme


  • The Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS) sees energy suppliers deliver grant funding for insulation measures (such as cavity wall insulation) to eligible households. GBIS was announced by the UK Government in 2022 in response to the unprecedented increase in international wholesale gas prices.
  • The scheme is likely to reach a total of 300,000 households over three years.

Read our statement in response to the Great British Insulation Scheme.

Scheme key facts

  • Duration: A three-year scheme, running from April 2023 to March 2026.
  • Budget: £1 billion in public funding, plus up to £80 million could be collected in customer contributions.
  • Reach: An estimated 300,000 households will receive support in total.
  • Delivery mechanism: Energy suppliers will work in partnership with insulation companies to contact households and deliver measures.

Who is eligible for the scheme?

General eligibility group:

  • EPC of D or below
  • Council Tax Bands:
    • A – D in England
    • A – E in Scotland and Wales

Low-income group:

  • EPC D or below
  • On means-tested benefits; living in the least efficient social housing; and/or referred specifically by a local authority, devolved administration or energy supplier.

Within both groups, there are different eligibility rules and different measures available to owner-occupiers, households in the private rented sector, and social housing tenants.

Detailed guidance about eligibility and measures within scope is available from Ofgem.

How can people get involved?

  • The UK Government has developed an online eligibility checker, which is available on its Help for Households website.
  • Some suppliers have information on their websites, where customers can register their interest in the scheme.
  • Energy suppliers or installer companies may reach out directly to households who they know are eligible for the scheme.
  • Some households may be required to contribute towards the cost of their measure. The scheme has been designed such that a total of around £80 million may be collected from households, alongside the £1 billion put forward by the government.

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